Recently, I heard about people who record what's on their screen from video chats and black mailing people to get money. This has happened on some private live sex streams that you can find on the internet. I was wondering if the video chat on SexSearch is safe and whether members can record what's on their screen. It's a scary thing if someone can record your video chats.
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Video chat safety
I don't think the site can stop a person from being able to record what's on their own screen, simply because it's out of their control. SexSearch can't stop what I do with my computer. Unless they hack into it. So you need to be careful with what you do when you're on a video call with someone that you don't know. If you trust a person, it's a whole different thing. But I suggest that you take things slow when it comes to video chats with strangers.
BrendonS is right. There are technical limitations when it comes to stopping people from doing that. So it's up to the members to make sure that they are video chatting with trustworthy people. If you don't trust someone and if they ask you to video chat with them, you can gently decline or make an excuse. I think some people may get pissed off so what I do is, I tell them that my webcam isn't working. That way, I can buy some time until I trust them enough
@shondra-e that's an awesome way to buy some time for sure!!! How come I didn't think about thatI also don't like to video chat with people that I don't know much. I take a bit of time to get to know a man before I video chat with them. So at that point, I can be quite certain that he's not a pervert, because no pervert would wait around long if it seems like they're not going to get anything. I think it's easier to make an excuse like that, because I don't want to drive away genuine people because of all this.
Yes, the risk with being careful is the fact that there's a good chance you'll be driving away genuine people. I've wondered about the safety of video chats in the past, but you can't be overly careful, because that's going to harm your chance of getting laid.
It's a tough call. You don't want to be too careful because people are going to get fed up thinking that you're just a tease. However, you don't want to get into trouble by trusting the wrong person too. Best option is to weight the damages. My privacy and honor is more important to me. If I'm going to drive a few good men in the process, it doesn't really matter. If my video chats start appearing all over the internet, that's not going to be a lot of fun!
@jessica sparkles I like the way you're thinking about this matter, because it's very important. People need to be careful with the people that they trust on the internet. The person you're talking to can record the video chat and then they can do whatever they like with it. I don't think being able to hook up with someone faster is worth the risk! So my advice to the women on this site is, raise this matter to the site admins and see what you're going to hear from them. Meanwhile, do video chats only with the people that you trust and avoid doing anything that might come back to haunt you.
It doesn't hurt to be careful, but I think everyone's overreacting here. What Katie B has mentioned above takes place a lot on live sex shows. I've not heard of any incident where it has happened on this site. So I don't know why the members need to panic. You don't see all the other problems that you see on other sites such as fakes, spam, abuse, etc. So why do you think this problem is there? It's clearly not present because no member has complained of an incident like that.
Mike is right. I haven't heard anything like this happening on this site, so I don't see a reason to change the way people have been doing things on here. It's been working for everyone and I don't think anyone has ever got in that kind of trouble. It might have happened on other sites, but those sites aren't managed the way Sexserachcom is managed. There are no rules on this site and you have no idea about the visitors. Anyone can come in, watch those live sex shows and anyone in the two parties can record the other person. I don't think that's something that would happen on this site.
I honestly feel that there's no reason to panic. No one has come up with proof that it has happened on this site. It's one of the safest adult dating sites I've ever known. On top of that, the members on this site are very nice. I don't think anyone would do something horrible like that. Being careful like that is really going to slow everyone down. I don't think there's a reason to do all that right now.
I'm not suggesting that anyone change the way that they do things on this site. However, being a little more careful won't hurt too. You don't want to trust the wrong people, because it only takes one bad person to ruin someone's reputation. So all I'm saying is, I'm going to be selective when it comes to the people that I'm going to do video chats with. I'm going to politely decline people that I don't know much. If they're a bit patient, they can get to know me a little bit more and video chat with me down the road. However, I' not taking a risk because I want to satisfy someone that I met hours ago. It's just not worth the risk.