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Pregnancy scare!

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  • Pregnancy scare!

    Someone I know in the past confided something to me and she said that it is almost every month that she gets a pregnancy scare. For those of you who don't know what pregnancy scare is, it is a situation where you thought you are pregnant because you already missed your period and you are starting to feel that you are pregnant when in fact, you are just imagining it. So what sex advice can you give her?

  • #2
    What I can give as an advice to her is that she should start taking birth control pills, because in that way, she won't be worried about getting pregnant so she won't have pregnancy scares anymore.


    • Alivens
      Alivens commented
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      Are you sure? How come? I should pay attention to that by now. AmazeAlive

    • AmazeAlive
      AmazeAlive commented
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      How about condoms? wearing condoms is better I guess. Alivens

    • Alivens
      Alivens commented
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      Using condoms it much better I guess, AmazeAlive

  • #3
    Is that your friend? Would you like to slap her face real hard in behalf of me? Hello, she has a pregnancy scare every month. Has she not learned from the previous months of having pregnancy scare? Is she idiot or something? Please advise her to take birth control pills and have her men use condoms whenever they have sex, okay?


    • Tastype
      Tastype commented
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      LOL she IS dumb. Every month of pregnancy scare does not have an effect on her at all? She should've stopped there when she had pregnancy scares twice or thrice already. What the hell?!

    • kissmeback
      kissmeback commented
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      Tastype Actually, she should have learned from her first pregnancy scare. She should have known what do to after her first experience.

  • #4
    This is one of the most scary things. That is the reason why I do not like those bareback sex. Lol. No, seriously, it is scary to know that you had become pregnant from a hookup. Anyway, there is abortion.


    • smilebaby
      smilebaby commented
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      Abortion? Well, I don't think that there weren't any successful pregnancy that was mentioned, well, at least she will never have to do those things again, hopefully!

    • H3r3foryou
      H3r3foryou commented
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      Sometimes those people are so confident with doing much bareback sex and think that they won't get impregnated that easily. But no, it is better to be safe and let your partner use rubbers. If he does not want it then do not have sex with him.

    • AglowReportsDari
      AglowReportsDari commented
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      Ah! Please do not perform those bareback sex unless you are really planning to get pregnant.

  • #5
    She should have learned from her past pregnancy scares. When should she learn? It could not be that every month, she would have that scare.


    • sexsexgirlnowme
      sexsexgirlnowme commented
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      She must have been enjoying her monthly pregnancy scare! Lol. What a poor girl. She does not know what she has been doing.

    • hulagirlsexsexyum
      hulagirlsexsexyum commented
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      sexsexgirlnowme It sounds like she's naive or uneducated about engaging in safer sex. Well, it's about time that she should call a friend to help her give some advice to avoid further pregnancy scares again.

  • #6
    I think that we should use birth control pills in order to prevent that kind of scare. Also, she must require her men to always wear condoms during sex. By doing those things, she won't have those pregnancy scares anymore.


    • Freew0man82
      Freew0man82 commented
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      OR she should not let them cum inside of her if she's always that scared of getting pregnant. Oh my goodness, what a stupid bitch!

    • Infomarry
      Infomarry commented
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      I know that she's aware of those birth control pills and condoms for prevention but she's messing with herself already, she's just scaring herself and looking for some thrill in her life. Is she really okay? She sounds insane to me already lol!

    • AlysaBdN
      AlysaBdN commented
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      And those condoms for safety right? InsightChic

  • #7
    I guess she should stop having sex for the mean time so that her period cycle will go back to normal. Because I have read that having sex actually affects the period cycle of women.


    • Hugurerbe
      Hugurerbe commented
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      What? Is it real? I have not heard anything like that in the past. If it affects the monthly period cycle, would we ask those bitches what they could say about it?

    • SoftBaby
      SoftBaby commented
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      How about stopping to have sex for a long time until she had learned how not to become pregnant?

  • #8
    If I were her, she should stop letting the guys cum inside her. In that way, she won't be bothered if she missed her period because she'll be safe from being pregnant.


    • Saltinte
      Saltinte commented
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      I know right? I mean, those guys could do withdrawal or the 'pull-out' as they say.

    • JoeyBaby
      JoeyBaby commented
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      I don't know but maybe it's those men that I should be mad about as well, I think they are trying to convince her that it is safe to cum inside her by doing the calendar method but they do not know is that it would still be possible for her to get impregnated.

    • AngelsMountain
      AngelsMountain commented
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      No, there is what we call a pre-cum, so she could still get pregnant from that one.

  • #9
    So what if you get pregnant? You made some bangings, right? When we do it, there could be some consequences that we need to take into consideration. You did not have your pills, and he did not have his condom? Well, good luck with that one.


    • independentG
      independentG commented
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      She is NOT ready to become a mother yet, lol. She is enjoying every hookup that she's getting but when will she ever learn, right? It's about time that she should use her brain and avoid herself from stressing over those pregnancy scares.

    • cristel
      cristel commented
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      If she ever gets pregnant, this time, it would be her choice to keep a baby or not, that would be another topic worth discussing here on this forum, lol!

  • #10
    She always seems uneasy and paranoid then, later on, would do the same things over again, maybe it's time for her to go and seek professional help. I can tell that she is not in her right mind already, sorry.


    • hameroon27
      hameroon27 commented
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      I guess so too. Well, if she is on her right mind then she should have done ways to prevent herself from getting those pregnancy scares. She should've come up with solutions but she couldn't care less and that's just how she is, I'm concerned about her but she doesn't seem to care.

  • #11
    How can I even stop her from having those unsafe sexes that she's having? he might even get mad at me and tell me to mind my own business, well I was just trying to help. The least she can do is to stop having sex if she does not even want to let those men use protection when they get her laid.


    • Teanett
      Teanett commented
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      Well, she could insist that the men should use condoms. No condoms, no sex. She should take that as a rule to have safe sex.

  • #12
    I'd buy her condoms, birth control pills and 2 packs ofr pregnancy tests. She's my frined and I'm very much concern ab9out her, I'm sure that it would snap out of her senses that she should become more responsible before she can even have further hookups. I bet that she might even stop hooking up for a moment if I'd give her those things.


    • XYZKate
      XYZKate commented
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      That's a great idea, I think your friend would be ashamed and get her shit straightened out already. She should be responsible for the things she does.

    • sexualdepth
      sexualdepth commented
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      Oh, those are actually nice idea. It is like a complete package. She should be able to discern that she needs to be protected on her future hookups.

    • demoomed
      demoomed commented
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      Condoms - okay.
      Birth control pills - okay.
      2 packs pregnancy test kits - Something is off. Why only two? I do not think that it would be enough. Is that for one week supply only?

  • #13
    When I was young, I used to have those things. Yes, I was scared on those times. I asked myself: "What if I am now pregnant? What am I gonna do?"
    But, anyway, when you already know what you are doing, then you won't have those pregnancy scares anymore.


    • W3tThet1p
      W3tThet1p commented
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      So, what are the ways not to get pregnant, then? Of course, we know those condoms and birth control methods. But, what could we do more?

    • Snugglebear
      Snugglebear commented
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      I think that young girls should be taught on what and how to do things in order for them not to undergo what many women had gone through. From the early years of adolescence, they should already know what to do with their sexual lives.