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How to?

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  • How to?

    I have a new relationship. We are just a few months together. What could we do to make our relationship grow stronger?

  • #2
    Just try your best to make it last long. Time together collectively build some serious foundation.


    • KenjiNephew
      KenjiNephew commented
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      That's the part that gets me. It's a paradox where you need to make a good foundation for it to last long and you need it to make it long to make a good foundation.

  • #3
    Just make sure that before even engaging with that person that you have so much in common so you'll basically become best friends.


    • #4
      How about the cliche ones? Like being honest and sharing. Pretty standard but it works.


      • punkchick
        punkchick commented
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        Being honest is, of course, should be present. But how about sharing? What does he need to share? Share his cum?

      • KenjiNephew
        KenjiNephew commented
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        What kind of track of thinking is that? You see the word sharing and the first thing you think of is cum?

    • #5
      Doing something together almost all of the time. Something that involves two of you doing. You'll know so much about your compatibility this way.


      • H3r3foryou
        H3r3foryou commented
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        Proven effective. Gives many chances to observe each other

    • #6
      Be loyal to her. No cheating whatsoever. No soft flirting with other girls. Just focus on her and show her how you love her.


      • OreoEater789
        OreoEater789 commented
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        Been with a woman who thinks this is not enough. lol

      • hulagirlsexsexyum
        hulagirlsexsexyum commented
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        OreoEater789 That woman must have been very demanding. What else did she want from you? Glad that you broke up with her already.

    • #7
      How about giving her some gifts from time to time? That would show your affection towards her. I am sure she would gonna love those gifts as long as you give the things that she likes. Likes mean the things she has interest with.


      • HearAlive
        HearAlive commented
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        This makes her look superficial. What if she gets used to it?

    • #8
      Do sweet nothings. Women just love those things. They need to feel that they are loved. Call them or text them often whenever time permits for the both of you. Have some time to go out and have romantic dates sometimes but do not overdo it as it would be boring when you frequently do it.


      • OreoEater789
        OreoEater789 commented
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        Sorry I couldn't wrap my head around... sweet nothings? What the fuck is that? Makes no sense to me dude.

      • Moap69
        Moap69 commented
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    • #9
      Sharing meals and hobbies. Most effective way I've seen.


      • DilDoDabbins
        DilDoDabbins commented
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        But oftentimes, men and women won't have similar likes of meals and hobbies. I cannot be expected to love and play basketball. Although, I like the "other" basketball, lol.

      • H3r3foryou
        H3r3foryou commented
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        We may have similar taste with the meals but not on the hobbies. I like going to the salons and make my self more beautiful. I could not expect him to be doing that also.

    • #10
      I would suggest that you try and get know each other well like asking questions so that you would know what makes the other person tick


      • TickleMyTesla
        TickleMyTesla commented
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        Yeah, this is a good suggestion. Over time, you get to know each other better. In that way, you would know what to do and not what to do.

    • #11
      Why are you asking us tips on how make a relationship work? Does it mean that you don't know how to take care a proper relationship?

