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Safe Measures

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  • Safe Measures

    Dating this guy on occasion. We would hookup and go on a date, but mostly have sex. He would never want to use a condom even tho I insisted. Most times, I would give in to him, but it is starting to worry me because I know it is not safe. He says that he doesn't like using a condom because sex doesn't feel the same with it. We have a casual hookup and so I am not sure who he is sleeping with. But, I like him a lot and the sex is good. What do y'all think I should do?

  • #2
    Really? Your health and your life should be more important to you girl. Use a condom every time. If that guy does not want to use one, then kick him to the curb. Tell him to go masturbate or something. You should do what is best for you. Stop wasting your time with him. He is not thinking about your safety, but only about himself. Forget the loser!


    • #3
      Can't believe you let this guy hump you without protection on his dick! No, no, no. Yes, that is a no no. Didn't your mother teach you better? You don't do that. It's a thing of life and death and you are playing russian roulette with your life. Put your foot down! No condom. No sex!


      • #4
        This here is a mess as I see it. What about getting pregnant? You on birth control or something? And even if you were, it is still dangerous. This is not cool. If you were my sister, I would stop speaking to you. You are dumb as fuck! And you need to wake up and smell the coffee. This guy don't care if he catches a disease or gives you one. So, don't give in to him because his is dumber than you and an asshole. Stop acting stupid and get some sense in your head. You are not acting right!


        • #5
          I hear y'all, but the sex is good and when we are in the moment of passion, I don't think clearly. I guess, it is not worth it, right? The good sex is not enough to save my life. I have to try to tell him no and see what he says!


          • #6
            I think you are just efing crazy to do that. I am not even gonna go any further because as an adult, you should know better and do better. Nothing else should be priority like having protection in every instance I don't care how long you know the person.


            • #7
              Yo! You playing with fire big time. This dude is getting the flesh he wants and you are giving him the chance to do whatever the fuck he wants without thinking of yourself. You sure are headed for doomsday if you not careful! 😟


              • #8
                Let him know that you don't play like that. Even though, you like him, that is not enuff to risk your life for him. Chile, please! Your health comes first all the time.


                • #9
                  Seriously? You just tell him NO...spell it out if you have to. Girl, shame on you. You should be thinking about NUMBER 1 and that's you.


                  • #10
                    Today, people who had sex without using protection are HIV patients and wish they could take it back.


                    • #11
                      You need a rude awakening before you get some sense into you! Go visit a hospital and talk to one of those patients and you will know 4 sure!


                      • #12
                        Risking your life ain't worth the sex!


                        • #13
                          You should have more sense than that. No sex...period!


                          • #14
                            Condoms were made for that specific protect you. Use them!

