I just joined sexsearch and I was wondering if spending a lot of time on the profile is a good idea or not. Firstly, I'm not 100% sure if I will be on this site in the long run. I don't even know whether it works, because the site that I was on previously didn't work for me at all. I really don't want to end up wasting my time. So what I want to know is, will I be able to get to know people without any problems if I skip the whole profile part? Because, I simply don't want to spend a ton of time creating the profile on a site I'm not sure about staying for that long.
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Is the profile really worth the time and effort :)
I would strongly recommend not to go ahead on any dating site without a profile. People are just going to ignore you. I mean I never respond to anyone who hasn't got a good profile simply because I can't trust someone like that. For me, it's scary enough going out to hook up with someone that I met on the internet and I'm not that brave to go out with someone who hasn't provided some details about themselves. It's just too much to ask for. On the other hand, there are so many men on sexsearch to choose from so I don't see the point of taking a risk with someone who might just give up down the road or just delete their profile or something like that.
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The above comment is spot on. I tried to talk to people without completing my profile and I had no luck at all. Then I realized what was going on and I spend an hour on my profile and that's all it took. You don't need to spend hours on it. Just share what you're into in the form of a short description about yourself. And some information about your line of work, education, etc. That's just enough in my opinion. You will be able to get a clearer picture if you take a look at some of the profiles on this site.
On top of everything that everyone has mentioned here. A badly made profile show a lack of commitment and personally, I prefer people who are committed to what they want to achieve on SexSearch I don't want to waste my time on people who aren't even sure about what they want from this site. So I suggest that you spend some time on the profile and get it done with. It's going to be a lot more effective than you think.
It doesn't really matter whether you're a man or a woman or what you're into, you NEED to have a good profile with good photos to be successful in adult dating or any form of online dating in my opinion.
I would never talk to a member who hasn't completed their profile on SexSearch. The photos are also important. It's just too risky and I don't want to waste my time on someone that I can't be sure of. I see from time to time that certain members don't spend that much time on their profiles and I have learned to skip them. I would rather spend my time on someone who's serious about their dating.
Yes, it's way too much of a risk to invest time on someone that you can't be sure of. I know that a fake person can come and create the perfect profile and fool you as well. However, it's more unlikely that someone would spend all that time on a fake profile, plus I haven't heard of anything like that on this site anyway. So to sum things up, just spend some time writing a good summary about yourself and what you're into. That should get you going.
Let me assure you, the time that you spend on your profile is never wasted. You're more likely to get good matches responding to you if you have an honest profile with the right information. After months of dating on sexsearch, I still revisit my profile and make small adjustments from time to time. That's because my profiles gives people an idea about me and they are going to base their initial judgement on that. So if I have the right information on my profile, I'm more likely to get better matches coming at me. The profile might seem like something useless, but it's one of the best tools in online dating. There's a reason why all sites have profiles for their members.
ViennaDD is spot on! That's exactly what went through my mind when I signed up here, so I spend an hour or so working on my profile and got everything done nicely. I haven't had a bat match coming my way and I think that has a lot to do with my profile. Furthermore, I don't talk to anyone with an empty profile. There are more than enough women on SexSearch, so there's no point of taking risks with anyone.
You'll be saving yourself a lot of time by putting down some good details about yourself on your sexsearch profile. I mean let's assume that you went ahead and talked to ladies without a profile and that you found someone and got to know them enough to go out on a date. That person could well be a bad match and you may end up wasting all that time, because if the date doesn't go well, you're more likely to go home disappointed. So I think you can save all that trouble by spending a bit of time upfront on the profile. Get it done with and let it work for you while you have your fun. It's as simple as that.
I'm 100% the time that someone spends on their profile on this site will pay dividends down the road. With interest! Plus the profile on this site isn't all that complicated. I've been on sex finder sites where they had much complicated profiles that took hours to complete. Compared to those, the profile on here is simple and easy to complete.
@hailey.g exactly!!! I just don't understand what's the fuss is about. It only took me like an hours to complete the profile. I did make some changes to it later on, so let's say I spent two hours on it in total. When I consider the amount of time I may have saved thanks to it and the number of people it had attracted to me, it's was a smart investment that's totally worth the time I spent on it.
Hey guys! Thank you very much for all your responses and now I clearly understand why it's important to finish the profile and get some photos on itI had a horrid time on the previous dating site that I was on. I created a great profile there, yet I didn't have any results. So I wasn't sure if I was going to do the same thing on here as well. Looking at your comments, now I understand the importance of the profile and how it's going to help me with getting to know the right people which is the key.