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Masturbating it out of your system girls

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  • Masturbating it out of your system girls

    Here's what's on my mind right now.
    For us guys if we are horny and alone there's basically only one way we can masturbate but for you girls it can be quite more versatile.
    So here's my question, when you feel like masturbating and feeling something inside you and don't have a sex toy what alternatives do you use, or what other objects would you consider or have used so far?

  • #2
    I usually use a rolled face towel shaping it like a dick then I'll put it on the pillow so I can ride on it.


    • #3
      girls masturbate a lot too, we dont always use toys cause idk it feels more natural for me to use my fingers


      • Mafarrico
        Mafarrico commented
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        My question was, object wise, what have you used already other than proper sex toys, and of course I understand clit stimulation feels more natural to you girls, but I was wondering how creative did u girls get in what it comes to masturbating objects

      • LiquidAss
        LiquidAss commented
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        If I suddenly felt horny when I'm in a public place, I would just go to the restroom and rub it for a bit

    • #4
      I feel like doing it when I'm horny, alone or just plain bored.


      • #5
        Yes, we do it a lot, but no one really likes to talk about it. It involves more than just penetration, most of us prefer clit stimulation along with penetration and sometimes its just the former


        • #6
          I have a friend that has tried doing it with a bitter melon because of she preferred something that has a more texture than a cucumber


          • Softandwet
            Softandwet commented
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            I thought that I was the only one that have tried that before

          • daddyslittleG1rl
            daddyslittleG1rl commented
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            nope you and my friend would be great together

        • #7
          The most creative I've been when masturbating is slowly dragging a string of clean and new beads between my legs. I also go to the bathroom and make use of shower head, I usually start my shower hot so the bathroom is nice and steamy. I change my shower head setting so the flow is steadier and cooler. I keep the shower head on my clit. The pressure from it feels amazing and I can orgasm in less than five minutes.


          • demoomed
            demoomed commented
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            Glad that you liked them as well kittycat123

          • kittycat123
            kittycat123 commented
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            Was hoping that you would continue it lol

          • demoomed
            demoomed commented
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            Will continue it once I feel a bit horny again

        • #8
          I usually Lie on my stomach and rock down on my bed. My arms are straight at my sides and my head is turned to one side. My legs are bent at the knees, so my feet are up in the air. I develop a fantasy in my head and as I start to get turned on I rock, rotate, grind my clit into the bed and do it with increasing intensity until I come.


          • #9
            I love watching my self while doing it so I get a mirror for me to be fully stimulated.


            • Mafarrico
              Mafarrico commented
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              I'm pretty sure it is super exciting to see you masturbating...i totally get it why you hey horny with watching yourself

            • Clitcomander
              Clitcomander commented
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              Have you tried doing the same thing?

          • #10
            I have tried it with a beer bottle with a warm water inside. lol


            • W3tThet1p
              W3tThet1p commented
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              How deep does the beer bottle go?

            • AirAngelsAmaze
              AirAngelsAmaze commented
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              Why did you put warm water inside the beer bottle?

            • Alivens
              Alivens commented
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              To make the bottle a bit warm lol

          • #11
            I just do it the old school way which is using my fingers. Sometimes I use the fingers from my non-dominant hand so that it would feel different for me


            • antitrump
              antitrump commented
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              If you want, I can let you use my fingers if you want

            • lovestudder
              lovestudder commented
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              Are you sure that you're willing to send both your hands to me? lol