I am getting sick and tired of assholes (yes I said assholes) who drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol and kill people. If i had my choice in punishing them I would gather them all up and put them in the middle of death valley starting at 6am (during the summer) and tell them they are free to go. leave them no water, no food, no sunscreen and no hats, no phones, no maps, no compasses. Explain to them since they chose to kill someone without giving them a chance so it shall be with them. and then wish them good luck I would prefer to chain them to a stake but that would be cruel and unusual punishment. at least they have a chance to live and maybe never learn from their lesson.
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driving under influence punishment-if i had my way
I know that what they've done is a real poor choice of judgement, but sending them in the middle of Death Valley is a cruel punishment. What will be your backup plan if they're able to survive and make it back to civilization?
Your way only happens in movies, you need to chill a bit. I know these people should also die because they have taken a kid's life, but I guess this would also be a torture for them. Its like they would even choose death rather than feeling guilty everyday of their life.
this is another reason why i have very very low tolerance and respect for people who get drunk.