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angry and free then hateful and locked up

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  • angry and free then hateful and locked up

    I came to a conclusion that it is much better to work with a person who is angry and free then someone who is hateful and locked up. Reason is this-a person who is angry at you but free has more choices and options when dealing issues then a person who is hateful and locked up. That type of person has very limited choices and option even when they are released. Plus they will be harder to work with then the person who is angry.

  • #2
    I think it still depends upon the situation. Actually, a man who is free and angry can do much harm to you rather than the one who is locked up. For someone who is free and angry, their mind can change through the help of other people, same thing with angry and locked up.
    Last edited by sexualdepth; 05-17-2018, 08:56 AM.


    • #3
      Do you have an experience about this conclusion? Because I believe that no matter what state in life we are, whether free or locked up, they still have same level of choices.


      • #4
        This is kinda random


        • Clitcomander
          Clitcomander commented
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          Yeah like maybe out of the blue thought.

      • #5
        You can choose the lesser of two evils, but still i'd rather not work with both


        • #6
          No matter which qualifications they had, less influence as low as possible.


          • #7
            Both still have their choices. They could choose to forget and forgive or to put the fire in their hands.


            • meowmeowbark
              meowmeowbark commented
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              Definitely, I feel like this is not a big deal at all. It's part of life and all.

          • #8
            What office is hiring those kind of people?


            • daddyslittleG1rl
              daddyslittleG1rl commented
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              It is already a given that there would be a couple of people who would be like that. Especially if the work place is a toxic environment

            • scrumptious1
              scrumptious1 commented
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              yeah but, who tf hires angry ass employees

          • #9
            Why did you make that realization all of a sudden? hardasnail


            • DilDoDabbins
              DilDoDabbins commented
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              Yes, I'm also wondering what made him come up with that kind of conclusion.

            • W3tThet1p
              W3tThet1p commented
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              Guess that this is just a rant in order to blow off some steam

          • #10
            Whether angry or hateful they can still have the ability to hurt people in any way they want.


            • AglowReportsDari
              AglowReportsDari commented
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              I think he was saying that it is much better to release that anger rather than keep it to yourself

          • #11
            It is much better that you release your anger every now and then. There might be long term side effect on you if just bottle it


            • LiquidAss
              LiquidAss commented
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              Yeah, releasing their anger is better than keeping it for a long time. The danger of it is damaging.

            • H3r3foryou
              H3r3foryou commented
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              There are really some people who chooses to to bottle it up.