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Young children treated worse then animals

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  • Young children treated worse then animals

    Kids being left in a veh don't get me as pissed as some of the news stories I have read. Especially about one 2 or 3 yr who was chained to a door on a short lease and another child chained to a tree in the back yard at night. I pray that bitch who was arrested get what is coming to her and I hope her fellow inmates will show her the same treatment she showed those children

  • #2
    It's awful what happened to those kids, nobody should ever have to go through that. It's quite a heavy topic man


    • #3
      wow, this is depressing


      • #4
        Do you have a link that you can give us to read about this topic?


        • hardasnail
          hardasnail commented
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          no but will try to find it.

      • #5
        Read another story the other day about a 4 yr that was killed after been beaten regularly Beaten for no reason. I find most of the stories via links from other stories I read on yahoo (correction it is via other news stories I read via CNN).
        Last edited by hardasnail; 04-04-2018, 11:57 PM.


        • demoomed
          demoomed commented
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          can you post the link

        • LiquidAss
          LiquidAss commented
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          I try to avoid reading those kind of news. It only makes me feel sad and wonder why is there too much violence in this world

        • W3tThet1p
          W3tThet1p commented
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          Maybe the person who beat up the 4 year old was high when he did that or might be mentally unstable?

      • #6
        here are another storys. In my opinion these type of people should be beaten regularly while forced to look at a pic of the child they tortured and beat.
        Last edited by hardasnail; 04-04-2018, 03:04 AM.


        • sexsexgirlnowme
          sexsexgirlnowme commented
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          Yeah. An eye for an eye

        • kissmeback
          kissmeback commented
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          They should feel the same pain the child felt

      • #7
        Thanks for sharing those stories. I really feel bad for the kids that were abused


        • #8
          Damn! Man, I'm angry with mothers doing that to their child too! I feel for the children. There should be a death sentence for mothers treating their child like garbage. smh. I'm so mad. Literally


          • PieFun
            PieFun commented
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            That's a little too much don't you think?

        • #9
          Shout out to all the mothers, about to be a mother and still planning to be a mother, one wish I have for ya'll ladies. Whether you liked it or not, expected or not, want it or not, ya'll should treat your children how children's should be treated. Children are a gift from God Almighty. We shouldn't be treating them like they're trash or whatever.


          • #10
            If you're not yet ready to be a parent then don't have sex without protection. or don't engage in sex at all.


            • #11
              I know that this would make me sound a little insensitive, but maybe we should just stick to something that is more lighthearted topic


              • Softandwet
                Softandwet commented
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                You can just ignore the post entirely if it makes you sick to your stomach

            • #12
              Why would someone do that to their own child?!! This makes my heart so broken.


              • #13
                Parents should be the one protecting their child from bad people not the other way around!!


                • #14
                  This is why my faith in humanity will never ever be restored,


                  • #15
                    Why on earth will they do that?!


                    • Infomarry
                      Infomarry commented
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                      They are also insane. There are actually some people who feels happy doing this. daddyslittleG1rl

                    • daddyslittleG1rl
                      daddyslittleG1rl commented
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                      yeah, sad fact is this is a reality

                    • Infomarry
                      Infomarry commented
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                      Yeah, I hope people who do that will die tragically.