I know that most of the time we prefer that the person that we're dating was a solid 9 or 10 when it comes to looks. So I'm wondering if any of you been with someone who's a bit average looking? If that's a yes, what did you see in them that made you fall for them?
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Not For Their Looks
I know right, a lot of girls will fall for those boys who have a sense of humor. independentG
AglowReportsDari have you ever dated a guy before who is like that?
Blockro Yeah, and I did not get bored if we were dating.
It was his attitude and his witty charms. I don't care about the looks since looks can be deceiving and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
AglowReportsDari Yes, and that is the reason why I like that guy.
Aoh! That is an amazing asset to him. JenniferFray
now a days being smart is already sexy. I am past teenage life wherein looks is all that matters. AglowReportsDari
Yes, I've been with guys who are average looking. Was lucky that one of them really had a huge dick and made sure that I cum during sex.
How big of a dick are we talking about here? Is it a ruler sized one?
daddyslittleG1rl of course! I like boys that have a huge dick.
I can even rate him at 3 lol. But for me, he is husband material and he knows how to cook and do household chores. A lot of guys I met before are lazy and stupid unlike him, he is different cos he's smart and caring.
I actually prefer men who are not that good looking so that people will think that my guy is lucky to have me as a girlfriend. Also I want guys who are into the same things as me.
Is that your way of helping them boosting their ego? And do you really think that you were worth it being their girlfriend?
Honestly, I am attracted to those guys who have average looks. because most of them are ideal husbands. they're personalities are great. crzyyouandme
stubbornass It's up to them if they boost their ego. and I am not the perfect girlfriend to be worth it. but I can do anything he wants me to do.
Sure I'll date him maybe I can find something attractive to him other than his physical appearance and I admire talents more. I'm hoping that he is a musician or an athlete.
If she has rocking big boobs and a huge ass then I might not go for their looks. I'm not a sexist but it's what I prefer if she is not good looking.