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Not For Their Looks

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  • Not For Their Looks

    I know that most of the time we prefer that the person that we're dating was a solid 9 or 10 when it comes to looks. So I'm wondering if any of you been with someone who's a bit average looking? If that's a yes, what did you see in them that made you fall for them?

  • #2
    I think it was his sense of humor and witty answers that made me think he is good enough for me.


    • Blockro
      Blockro commented
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      I know right, a lot of girls will fall for those boys who have a sense of humor. independentG

    • Blockro
      Blockro commented
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      AglowReportsDari have you ever dated a guy before who is like that?

    • AglowReportsDari
      AglowReportsDari commented
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      Blockro Yeah, and I did not get bored if we were dating.

  • #3
    It was his attitude and his witty charms. I don't care about the looks since looks can be deceiving and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


  • #4
    Yes, I've been with guys who are average looking. Was lucky that one of them really had a huge dick and made sure that I cum during sex.


    • KenjiNephew
      KenjiNephew commented
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      How big of a dick are we talking about here? Is it a ruler sized one?

    • JoeyBaby
      JoeyBaby commented
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      How many times in a week you guys had sex?

    • InsightChic
      InsightChic commented
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      daddyslittleG1rl of course! I like boys that have a huge dick.

  • #5
    I've been with guys who are around a 7 or 8 and it is because they're fun to be with and knows how to cheer me up when I'm having a bad day.


    • #6
      He was a know-it-all but wasn't bragging about it. I learned tons of things because of it.


      • PieFun
        PieFun commented
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        What were some of the things that you've learned from him?

    • #7
      He reignited my love of watching rock shows and movies. We would often watch concerts or movies every other week.


      • SandyDempsey
        SandyDempsey commented
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        And did you continue watching rock shows after the two of you broke up?

    • #8
      Overall he possesses all the qualities that I am looking for like being down to earth, caring, modest and he is an environmentalist and an animal lover.


      • Tastype
        Tastype commented
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        I'm guessing that he's a vegan also since he is an animal lover.

    • #9
      I can even rate him at 3 lol. But for me, he is husband material and he knows how to cook and do household chores. A lot of guys I met before are lazy and stupid unlike him, he is different cos he's smart and caring.


      • HearAlive
        HearAlive commented
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        Was those the only reasons why you dated him? Just because he knows how to cook and do household chores?

    • #10
      For me, I rate guys based on their performance and I don't care about the looks but what matter to me is the size of his love and the size of his dick lol.


      • Infomarry
        Infomarry commented
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        So you automatically dump the guy if he is terrible when it comes to sex?

      • AliveAngels
        AliveAngels commented
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        Are you going to sleep with him on the first date in order to find out if he's great in bed or not?

    • #11
      He can be attractive in his own way with his funny jokes and actions. Never a dull moment in my life when I'm with him.


      • crystalinejoy
        crystalinejoy commented
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        It's really great if guys can make you happy in their own way and there's nothing more to ask since they have it all.

    • #12
      I actually prefer men who are not that good looking so that people will think that my guy is lucky to have me as a girlfriend. Also I want guys who are into the same things as me.


      • stubbornass
        stubbornass commented
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        Is that your way of helping them boosting their ego? And do you really think that you were worth it being their girlfriend?

      • Teanett
        Teanett commented
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        Honestly, I am attracted to those guys who have average looks. because most of them are ideal husbands. they're personalities are great. crzyyouandme

      • Teanett
        Teanett commented
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        stubbornass It's up to them if they boost their ego. and I am not the perfect girlfriend to be worth it. but I can do anything he wants me to do.

    • #13
      Sure I'll date him maybe I can find something attractive to him other than his physical appearance and I admire talents more. I'm hoping that he is a musician or an athlete.


      • AngelsMountain
        AngelsMountain commented
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        I like guys with talents too and they amuse me rather than looks. I think I'll settle down with guys who are talented and smart.

    • #14
      If she has rocking big boobs and a huge ass then I might not go for their looks. I'm not a sexist but it's what I prefer if she is not good looking.


      • AlysaBdN
        AlysaBdN commented
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        So you don't care with her personality and looks as long as she has a hot body?

      • NinaMcAdams
        NinaMcAdams commented
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        What would be your minimum cupsize does she need to have? Does she need to have D cups or bigger?

    • #15
      I am currently dating this girl, she's not hot nor gorgeous, I don't know I just fall for her because she has a sense of humor. btw, she’s cute.

