What are the activities that you enjoy doing that you don't want to be interrupted when you're doing it? Mine is watching a movie or television show that I was looking forward to watch
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Well, I guess it is rare that you will be interrupted in a bath.
sexualdepth have you ever had your guy set up candles and run you a bubble bath and put on your favorite music and then wash your body while being completely silent so you can enjoy yourself completely.
JenniferFray I mean, who wants to be disturbed when sleeping lol
Disturb my sleep and TV shows anytime if it's to have sex.. LoL
What if a hot girl would be the one who's going to bother you in the middle of your porn watching?
Well I would invite her to join me in the activity, maybe see if she wants to give me a hand,,
Well, that is an exception. lol iwantsexnowplease
Same sentiments, I also hated being interrupted when I am playing.
I'm guessing that it's not video games you are playing. BlackmanAndRobbin
You have a naughty mind kittycat123