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Too Much Information

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  • Too Much Information

    Are you the type of friend who often over shares to his or her friends?

  • #2
    It depends on the friend. Because there are some that I feel that they don't deserve to know that much about me


    • veronIZA
      veronIZA commented
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      If they are the kind of friends who's into gossips, they really don't deserve it.

    • sexsexgirlnowme
      sexsexgirlnowme commented
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      I guess all of us have that one friend who cannot be trusted in secrets.

  • #3
    I'm not the type who overshares. But I'm the friend that the over sharer often talks to


    • Snugglebear
      Snugglebear commented
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      The same goes with me. Not sure if that's something to proud off or not

    • Moap69
      Moap69 commented
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    • FedoraTheExplora
      FedoraTheExplora commented
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      PennyTration I hope that you have friends who are willing to do the same for you

  • #4
    Never been the type who tells everything to my friends. The only time that they learn something new from me is when they ask


    • demoomed
      demoomed commented
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      I think being vocal is not in the nature of the boys.

    • TickleMyTesla
      TickleMyTesla commented
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      dagift2womens but have there been times that you wanted to tell everything that's inside you?

  • #5
    Yes but I do that only to my trusted and true friends.


    • W3tThet1p
      W3tThet1p commented
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      Are you sure that they're not gonna end up betraying you in the future?

    • daddyslittleG1rl
      daddyslittleG1rl commented
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      kissmeback Yes, they are one of my treasures.

    • daddyslittleG1rl
      daddyslittleG1rl commented
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      W3tThet1p I trust them and I know that they would not do that.

  • #6
    I am the type who tends to be secretive so I never share any information about me.


  • #7
    I have a few friends who consider me as their confidant which I think it is a good thing


    • Infomarry
      Infomarry commented
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      And do you have the urge to share some of the things that they have told you?

  • #8
    I do share some but I cut out that information that can be used against me.


    • BlackmanAndRobbin
      BlackmanAndRobbin commented
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      It sounds like you share some shady stuff with your friends lol

  • #9
    I don't tell things voluntarily although I always answer their questions honestly.


    • AglowReportsDari
      AglowReportsDari commented
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      That's what I do also, it's just that I choose the questions to answer.

  • #10
    I'm the type of friend who often tell gross made up stories just to mess up with my friends


    • VaginalDestruction
      VaginalDestruction commented
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      Can you tell us one of those gross stories?

  • #11
    I do share things about myself to my friends but I also make sure to omit some details to avoid humiliating myself.


    • melaniamania
      melaniamania commented
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      I agree, oversharing might lead to friendship over. lol

  • #12
    No, I do not talk about my personal life to my friends because I am afraid to be teased.


    • hulagirlsexsexyum
      hulagirlsexsexyum commented
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      I think that is how you know if they are your true friends. lol

  • #13
    Now in days you have to be really careful with what you share or who you share it with, so I usually just keep everything to myself ...I do have a lot of friends though over share info with me part is when at work I have someone come talk crap about someone and than the person that was being talked about comes and talks crap about the other person ...that happens a lot at work so be careful everyone


    • hanesy
      hanesy commented
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      I agree with you, people nowadays mind other people's business more than they mind their own.

  • #14
    I like to share my hookups stories and my fuck buddy experiences to my dudes. Is that considered as an overshare?


    • Tastype
      Tastype commented
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      Well if you tell every single thing that happened even the gross parts, then you definitely overshared