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The Book Or The Street?

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  • The Book Or The Street?

    What's more important for you? Is it having street smarts or book smarts?

  • #2
    I would much prefer to have book smarts. Most of the time having street smarts is just relying in loopholes or a quick way to have easy money


    • kissmeback
      kissmeback commented
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      Don't you think book smart don't know the life in the real world?

    • RachelSiryn
      RachelSiryn commented
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      kissmeback That depends, we have our own experiences to back us up when it comes to that.

  • #3
    Would go with having book smarts as well. Since there are times and situations where having street smarts is not enough


    • hulagirlsexsexyum
      hulagirlsexsexyum commented
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      But don't you think a book smart can help you rather than a street smart?

  • #4
    I prefer to have both actually since having the one or the other can't get you anywhere far these days


    • antitrump
      antitrump commented
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      Do you want that trait to be in your future boyfriend?

  • #5
    I prefer being street smart because it's very useful on many occasions.


    • scrumptious1
      scrumptious1 commented
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      Can you give me a situation wherein being street smart is useful?

  • #6
    In real life, street smart is more useful than book smart so it is the better choice.


    • #7
      If you want to play it safe, I would suggest that you should have both since people these days need to be well-rounded in order to survive


      • #8
        For me, it all depends on your up bringing. If you had it rough, there's a chance that you already got street smarts. So I would suggest to try and improve the other. And vice versa


        • #9
          I agree with what most of the ladies have said. It would be better to be both so that you would be ready for any situation


          • #10
            If we are talking about survival, obviously being street smart is the best option.


            • SandyDempsey
              SandyDempsey commented
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              Are you talking about surviving in the middle of nowhere or just surviving life in general

          • #11
            I think to be a smart wise is more preferable because they were able to get lessons from real life or in the street, not like a book smart where they don't have an idea how it works in actual of real life.


            • NinaMcAdams
              NinaMcAdams commented
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              I think that people who are book smart knows how things work in theory. They only lack the application part

            • fashiones12
              fashiones12 commented
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              NinaMcAdams do you consider yourself as a book smart?

            • kizliak
              kizliak commented
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              Thank you for more specific answer. lol NinaMcAdams

          • #12
            I had an ex before who is a street smart and I learned so many things from him, especially in survival.


            • lovestudder
              lovestudder commented
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              I also like street smart it makes me feel safe.

            • MoiraClay
              MoiraClay commented
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              What were some of the things that you learned from him? demoomed

            • demoomed
              demoomed commented
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              MoiraClay Being practical in life and prioritize yourself before others.

          • #13
            I'd go for street smarts. They have a sense of what would work and what won't.


            • #14
              I think I like to be both a street smart and book smart.


              • #15
                Both are useful in different ways so I prefer having both.


                • Blockro
                  Blockro commented
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                  I agree since both of them serves different purposes.